Keijser Advocatuur

General Terms and Conditions Keijser Advocatuur

  1. Keijser Advocatuur is the sole proprietorship of mr. P.M. Keijser. The firm is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under registration number 27359845.
  2. These general terms apply to all instructions given to mr. P.M. Keijser or Keijser Advocatuur.
  3. Instructions will be executed solely for the benefit of the client. Third parties cannot derive any right from the (execution of) work or the ensuing results performed for the client.
  4. All instructions are deemed to have been given to and accepted by Keijser Advocatuur only. Instructions are accepted with the exclusion of the provisions in Articles 7:404, 7:407, paragraph 2 and 7: 409 of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek).
  5. The client is aware that mr. P.M. Keijser should respect the code of conduct established by the Dutch Bar Association in pursuance of her profession. The client accepts the consequences that may arise from this.
  6. When engaging third parties which do not belong to its organisation, Keijser Advocatuur will take the requisite care in selecting these third parties. Keijser Advocatuur shall not be liable for any shortcomings of these third parties and is entitled, without prior consultation with the client, to accept (also) on behalf of the client any limitation of liability on the part of these third parties.
  7. Any liability of Keijser Advocatuur and/or mr. P.M. Keijser shall be limited to the amount which is paid out under the firm’s professional liability insurance in the matter concerned, plus the amount of access (amount of ‘own risk’) which applies to that insurance policy.
  8. If, for whatever reason, the insurer makes no payment under the above insurance policy, any liability of Keijser Advocatuur and/or mr. P.M. Keijser shall be limited to the amount invoiced by Keijser Advocatuur in the matter concerned.
  9. All rights of actions and claims against Keijser Advocatuur and/or mr. P.M. Keijser related to the services provided by Keijser Advocatuur shall lapse in any event one year after the moment on which the party involved is aware or could reasonably be aware of the existence of these rights of actions and claims.
  10. The client indemnifies Keijser Advocatuur against all claims of third parties, including reasonable costs for legal assistance, which are in any way related to the services provided by Keijser Advocatuur, unless these claims ensue from gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Keijser Advocatuur.
  11. These general conditions are drawn up in Dutch and English. The Dutch text shall be binding in the event of any difference in content of tenor.
  12. The legal relationship between the client and Keijser Advocatuur is governed solely by Dutch Law. All disputes which might arise from this legal relationship shall be settled exclusively by the competent court in Amsterdam.

Keijser Advocatuur
Keizersgracht 241
1016 EA Amsterdam

T: 020 428 24 66